第224回 講演会「Bioprocess Engineering  Alchemy: A Holistic Approach to Harnessing Renewable Resources, Minimizing Waste, and Overcoming Process Challenges」

日 時:2023年10月17日(火)14:35~16:05
場 所:広島大学工学部115講義室
交 通:山陽本線西条駅下車、バス15 分、大学会館6前下車
    山陽新幹線東広島駅下車、タクシー10 分

講 演: Bioprocess Engineering Alchemy: A Holistic Approach to Harnessing Renewable Resources, Minimizing Waste, and Overcoming Process Challenges

講 師:Dr. George .M. Teke (Stellenbosch University)

講演概要:In an era of growing environmental consciousness, bioprocess engineering is a dynamic and pivotal field at the intersection of biology and engineering, revolutionizing industries across the globe through the efficient utilization of renewable resources as the cornerstone of production, with good production examples of biofuels, fine chemicals, cosmetics and health orientated medications. Although this transformative discipline harnesses the power of living organisms, such as microorganisms and cells, several challenges remain in understanding their structure for potential full-scale production. However, bioprocess engineers are charged with searching for innovative routes, from designing novel bioreactors to optimizing current production routes to obtain valuable products ranging from biofuels and pharmaceuticals to bioplastics and enzymes. Also, another attractive area is how these bioprocess engineers use their valorization techniques aided by microbial species to make waste a relic of the past via harnessing the current environmental waste impacts. This presentation thus presents different bioprocess advances focusing on the design of novel producing structures coupled with optimization tools. Aspects such as waste valorization, biological product inhibition, separation and purification methods, process development and strategies will be discussed.

参加費: 無料

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