第229回 講演会「Model development for large-scale reactive multiphase flows: coarse-grained CFD-DEM approach」


主 催:中国地区化学工学懇話会
日 時:2024年5月10日(金) 14:30~15:00
場 所:広島大学工学部A4棟112室
交 通:山陽本線西条駅下車,バス15 分,大学会館前下車
    山陽新幹線東広島駅下車,タクシー10 分

講演内容:Particle-laden flows are ubiquitous in nature and industries. Often in industrial applications, chemical reactions are involved. Computer simulation plays an integral role in research and industrial development to obtain a detailed insight into such complex multiphase physics. My research has been dedicated in developing numerical model that enable efficient simulations of reactive particle-laden flows at large scales (even at industrial scale). This framework has been established on CFD-DEM approach, extended with reaction module, cohesive model, as well as model reduction such as coarse-graining method and the Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM) method. I will address our research advance on this model development and showcase two examples of application in 1) modelling of raceway formation in a real blast furnace and 2) modelling of direct reduction of iron oxide fines in fluidized beds using hydrogen.

Prof. Yali Tang (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Model development for large-scale reactive multiphase flows: coarse-grained CFD-DEM approach

参加費: 無料

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