主 催:中国地区化学工学懇話会
日 時:2024年5月21日(火) 10:00~11:30
場 所:広島大学工学部A4棟112室
交 通:山陽本線西条駅下車,バス15 分,大学会館前下車
山陽新幹線東広島駅下車,タクシー10 分
This presentation is divided into two parts and will explore innovative approaches in cryptography and energy storage. Cryptography is used to protect data by encrypting it and ensuring that only authorized individuals have access by using, for example, mathematical one-way functions. In the first part of the presentation, a new solution for the upcoming risk of hacking one-way functions, due to the rise of quantum computing is discussed. This new solution includes a chemical unclonable function (CUF) system, utilizing large random DNA pools to provide a robust, distributable, and scalable approach for anti-counterfeiting systems, non-fungible objects, and decentralized multi-user authentication. In the second part, the challenge of renewables having higher energy production in the summer and greater demand in the winter is presented, and a safe seasonal energy and hydrogen storage system as a potential solution is discussed. This system utilizes the redox pair of iron/iron oxide, stores energy in iron powder produced on site with electrolytic hydrogen, and releases energy with steam.
Mr. Giezendanner Kelani (ETH Zurch)
Exploring Chemical Unclonable Functions as an Innovative Tool in Cryptography and Novel Approach for Seasonal Energy Storage
参加費: 無料
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